Autumn or Fall maybe over. Winter season to other countries maybe over. But I just can't get over to last Fall collection from Zoya. Because one of shades of the nail polish is named after my name. Hahaha. Finally! I said to myself that if ever any nail polish brand would named their nail shade after my name, I will definitely going to buy it. And, here comes Zoya. At first, I was disappointed because I thought it would a green shade and that would be PERFECT! But it turns out, a vintage-y rose shade that I also want was created which is not bad.

Zoya MaryAnn

An old rose shade with gold shimmers. Sorry, my camera didn't pick up the shimmers on artificial lighting but you can notice the slight gold shade there in the bottle.

Overall, I love the shade. If you ask me of a beautiful pink shade, an old, vintage like rose shade would be the first thing that would pop up inside my mind.
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